Customized Wedding
Bar/Bas Mitzva

Names in Hebrew

logo tip amen.png (132337 bytes)
Religious Family Art Galleries 
 Calligraphy & Ceramics

Honor Your Father and Mother.jpg (212299 bytes)
Honor Your Father and Mother (Exodus 20:1)

Peace in many languages

Click on a picture
to see it larger

Tikun Olam.jpg (50400 bytes) 
Tikun Olam
Framed Art

There is Nothing Besides Him
2AinOde.jpg (129323 bytes)
'Ain ode Milvado

AinOdeMilvado2.jpg (130873 bytes) 

King David:
Purify.jpg (240886 bytes)
Purify Our Hearts to Serve You in Truth


Adoption Support Group

Jonathan's artwork


emes - truth


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'Kaballah' Art
Refuah.jpg (63651 bytes)
Refuah (healing), Para (wildness), Pa'ar (beauty & harmony)

Emunah - 'Faith'

Ci Ner MItzvah Torah Ohr a.jpg (196658 bytes)Ci Ner Mitzvah Torah Ohr b.jpg (165415 bytes)  
'Ci Ner Mitzvah, V'Torah Ohr'
The Candle is the Mitzvah,
the Torah is the Light

Chavtzles Hasharon - The Rose of Sharon

amen large purple2.jpg (153741 bytes)
(Keil Melach Neaman-G-d Trustworthy King)

click to view more pictures
A Very Narrow Bridge Gesher Tzar Ma-od

More trays & wall hangings
zion.gif (90190 bytes)

Chavivusi.jpg (54720 bytes)
Chavivusi - Loved Ones

Ahava.jpg (160829 bytes)
 Love - Ahava

basket sparkle light blue side.jpg (10705 bytes)
Glow -in-The-Dark Multi Media
~1"1x12" basket 

Baskets/Wall Hangings.

bowl blue white flower side.jpg (14239 bytes)
Flowered Blue Bowl

basket sparle blue cloth rim large.jpg (32190 bytes)
Large Light Blue, Glow-in-the-Dark, Basket

cage green napkin, bentcher holder.jpg (36048 bytes)
8"x8"x8" Green Woven Napkin Holder 
More Miscellaneous Pieces

2Shema.jpg (10924 bytes)  
'Shema Yisroel'- Hear Oh Israel The, Lord Our God, the Lord is One  




 shalom red blue grey.jpg (108249 bytes)  shalom lavendar.jpg (68478 bytes) 

Shalom9-08.jpg (72061 bytes)  Peace_10.jpg (340044 bytes)
Shalom -Peace CARDS


Birkas Shalom Habayis

burning.jpg (29785 bytes)
Pen Pictures with Ceramic Frames

Gobletsgoblets6green.jpg (30037 bytes)goblet ligh dark blue.jpg (29129 bytes)cup shehakol mug.jpg (10846 bytes)

 tray blue brown top.jpg (32778 bytes)

woven square angled pot.jpg (75156 bytes)squeezed red brown coil.jpg (9115 bytes)
Coiled Pieces

vase grape copper.jpg (15877 bytes)

2BetzelmoBetzelemElokim.jpg (68831 bytes)
'In the Image of G-d
was Man Created'

- Genesis)

Tanach-Torah Words  

Guard shmr.jpg (65139 bytes)
Roots -Shorashim

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